Group 4 Charter

What are your shared values? Shared goals?

  • Consider a variety of perspectives/diversity of sources
  • Think about intersectionality
  • Critically examine data and search for primary sources

What will you expect from each other?

  • Respect
  • Patience
  • Open-mindedness 
  • Communication

How will you communicate?

  • Over slack and huddle 

How will your team handle disagreement?

  • A democratic process with consideration of designated roles and responsibilities
  • Respectful debate

How will you divide responsibilities? Is someone responsible for calling meetings? Cleaning data? Assess and share your own strengths and weaknesses

  • Julia
    • Strengths: collaborative, open-minded
    • Weaknesses: lack of coding skills/technical computer experience
    • Responsibilities: Help distribute tasks / lead group meetings
  • Finley
    • Strengths: Text analysis, creative brainstorming, data cleaning
    • Weaknesses: Coding, availability
    • Responsibilities: TBD
  • Adina
    • Strengths: brainstorming, outreach (Hamilton library scientist who may be able to help us pick a topic), writing
    • Weaknesses: availability, coding, responding quickly (~6-hour grace period)
    • Responsibilities (tentative to team meeting): Documentarian, Facilitator, Group Liaison
    • Action item (also tentative): reach out to Hamilton Lib Scientist for a scope of Hamilton Archives
  • Alex
    • Strengths: coding/technical computer experience, writing/editing skills
    • Weaknesses: availability
    • Responsibilities: Coding/technical support, writing/editing final project


I'm a rising senior at Hamilton hoping to utilize this class to strengthen my academic prowess and build a foundation for doing more work similar to this outside of my career. In alignment with much of what it seems we'll be exploring, I consider myself a reader on both extremes (drought or flood, no in between). Some of my favorite reads this year have been Stay True by Hua Hsu, How the Word Is Passed by Clint Smith, and Why Fish Don't Exist by Lulu Miller! Feel free to send yours over, my TBR is hundreds of books long but I take personal recommendations very seriously (call it guilt, call it karma). p.s. I considered myself very tech-savvy until this class, apologies in advance for being a liability.

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