Group 3: Source Documentation

Sources for Group 3—Anna, Anshika, Veronika, Liv, and Essy.

IPEDS. Accessed 22 July 2023.

  • Format – IPEDs provides data collected from colleges via surveys that can be downloaded as a CSV. Because of the amount of data collected, the website prevents it from adding more than 250 variables. Variables are considered to be a combination of year and type (ex: total number of students, total number of women, Is it a HBCU?), so because of our project’s timeline, data must be downloaded in ~5 year groupings. We have reformatted the data to include a column for year and are slowly formatting it for a timeline.
  • Rights – This data is owned by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), the statistics, research, and evaluation arm of the U.S. Department of Education. While the data can be accessed freely, it can only be used for research and statistical purposes, as specified on their website.
  • Privacy/ethics – All data found on the IPEDs website is a summary of a college, not any specific individual. It is meant to give a broad overview of universities around the United States.

“Kirkland and Hamilton Merge.” The New York Times, 29 July 1977.,

  • Format – This is an archival news article from the New York Times about the merge between Kirkland College and Hamilton College. 
  • Rights – The New York Times Company owns all articles written by the New York Times. As per it’s permission page, direct quotes can be used from this article without permission depending on the context and length of the quote, as long as the quote is not selected in a manner that changes it’s original meaning. 
  • Privacy/ethics – It is a straight forward article with very little opinion inserted into the writing. A few members of the Kirkland Board are referenced and quoted, which I believe we can assume were taken in good faith.

“Kirkland College.” Kirkland College, Accessed 22 July 2023.

  • Format – This is an archive created by former students of Kirkland College. It includes many old documents and pictures documenting the history of Kirkland.
  • Rights – The blog was started by the Committee for Kirkland College, who are presumably the owners.
  • Privacy/ethics – Much of the archive consists of personal stories submitted to the archive. The blog is described as an open-forum for Kirkland alumni. It is possible that not everyone involved in the stories published here are aware of the existence of the blog, however, I believe we can treat them as almost diary entries. 

“Kirkland College.” Wikipedia, 12 Apr. 2023. Wikipedia, 

  • Format – It’s a wiki article describing the basic information around Kirkland College.
  • Rights – The text of Wikipedia is copyrighted by Wikipedia editors and contributors and is formally licensed to the public under one or several liberal licenses.
  • Privacy/ethics – The article only covers what is already public knowledge.

“Hamilton College.” Wikipedia, 17 July 2023. Wikipedia,

  • Format – It’s a wiki article describing the basic information around Kirkland College.
  • Rights – The text of Wikipedia is copyrighted by Wikipedia editors and contributors and is formally licensed to the public under one or several liberal licenses.
  • Privacy/ethics – The article only covers what is already public knowledge.

“Kirkland College – Kirkland Alumnae.” Hamilton College, Accessed 22 July 2023.

  • Format – Hamilton College’s website provides resources and information about Kirkland College. This specific page is for alumnae and contains links to different committees, groups and events for and about Kirkland College. 
  • Rights – The article is owned by Hamilton College and anything on the website cannot be copied or reproduced elsewhere. So, any images or articles are not to be used in our project.
  • Privacy/ethics – This page only covers what is already public knowledge.

Vassar College Digital Library Encyclopedia

Vassar College, “A History of Coeducation.” Vassar Encyclopedia, 

Washington and Lee University, “Coeducation.” WLU University Archives. Accessed July 22, 2023.

Format: pdf scans of handwritten letters
Rights: Washington and Lee University. This material is made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, pursuant to U.S. Copyright law.
Privacy/ethics: material contains names, so we’ll have to cut them out for privacy reasons

Coeducation, Box: 20, Folder: 8. Washington and Lee University and Regional Virginia History Research Collection, WLU-Coll-0668. Washington and Lee University, University Library Special Collections and Archives. Accessed July 22, 2023.

Format: to be determined as it’s a physical collection and I still need to go and personally look at it. So the first step to make it useful for our project is to digitalize it.
Privacy/ethics: also to be determined as I need to see the material first. I assume it’ll have names, so we’ll have to cut them out for privacy reasons.

Coeducation Exhibit, 2014, Box: 20, Folder: 9. Washington and Lee University and Regional Virginia History Research Collection, WLU-Coll-0668. Washington and Lee University, University Library Special Collections and Archives. Accessed July 22, 2023.

Format: to be determined as it’s a physical collection and I still need to go and personally look at it. So the first step to make it useful for our project is to digitalize it.
Privacy/ethics: also to be determined as I need to see the material first. I assume it’ll have names, so we’ll have to cut them out for privacy reasons.

Calvert, G. Edward. Letter from G. Edward Calvert to Alumni Board President Peter Agelasto, III, November 23, 1983 (Correspondence). Nov. 1983.,

Format: pdf scans of a handwritten letter
Rights: Washington and Lee University. This material is made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, pursuant to U.S. Copyright law.
Privacy/ethics: material contains names, so we’ll have to cut them out for privacy reasons

Ring-Tum Phi. Accessed 22 July 2023.

Format: pdf scans of news articles
Rights: Washington and Lee University. This material is made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, pursuant to U.S. Copyright law.
Privacy/ethics: material contains names and specific events as well as opinions, so we’ll have to cut them out for privacy reasons

“University History.” Washington and Lee, Accessed 22 July 2023.Format: Website. We’ll need to convert it into the text
Rights: Washington and Lee University. This material is made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, pursuant to U.S. Copyright law.
Privacy/ethics: no potential issues as it is official information presented by the university

Housing Goes Coed at Carleton – Imagined Futures, Forgotten Pasts. Accessed 22 July 2023.

FORMAT: This source is an article. It needs to be formatted into the timeline we are creating in our map. To make this conversion, the article must be thoroughly read for indicators of important dates and events.

RIGHTS: Carleton College owns this material. The article is allowed to be openly cited as it was created to be an archival exhibition. This is explained in the “about” section on the website in which the article is found. 

PRIVACY/ETHICS: Carleton students of all genders from 1970 are described at length in the article. There is no sensitive information that needs to be removed, nor are there any ethical considerations to be made.

Women at Carleton | Archaeology in the Cowling Arboretum. Accessed 22 July 2023.

FORMAT: This source is an article. It needs to be formatted into the timeline we are creating in our map. To make this conversion, the article must be thoroughly read for indicators of important dates and events.

RIGHTS: Carleton College owns this material. The authors of the material encouraged viewers to cite the material to encourage the spread of knowledge. This is explained in the “about” section on the website in which the article is found. 

PRIVACY/ETHICS: The Carleton student government and student administration are at the center of the data. There is no sensitive information that needs to be removed, nor are there any ethical considerations to be made.

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