LACOL Digital Humanities 2023 – Team 1 Charter

Nahom Ayalew, Jesse Koblin, Kalea Ramsey, Bernard Wongibe

  1. Shared Values and Goals
    1. To create a data science project that adheres to data justice principles, including a co-liberation approach, reflexivity to new ideas, an acknowledgement of equity, and a drive to understand – and re-learn – history and culture. 
    2. To have an inclusive and diverse team that values different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. The outcome should be accessible and user-friendly for a wide range of audiences.
    3. To consider our plurality of strengths and abilities, and utilize them to create the most effective project possible. 
    4. To continue developing our skills with humility and deference, acknowledging that we are students and learn as we create.
  2. Expectations of One Another
    1. Communication: proactively sharing updates, challenges, or concerns with the team.
    2. Adaptability: being flexible in response to unforeseen challenges and changing project needs. Compromise and encourage constructive problem-solving to explore solutions collaboratively. 
    3. Empathy: regarding oneself, each other, and the content of our project with a holistic attitude, and prioritizing our mental and physical health so that we may both work and thrive. 
    4. Accountability: staying on task committed to our project deadlines and goals. 
  3. Communication
    1. We will communicate in our Slack group channel for smaller communications, as well as arrange Zoom conferences to get to know one another, talk for longer periods and make critical decisions. A mix of asynchronous and live communication allows us to both correspond with one another quickly as well as to work hands-on. We will set a weekly time for Zoom conferences with the flexibility to arrange additional meetings for certain projects and assignments.
  4. Handling Disagreement
    1. We will democratically settle our decisions, writing down our own ideas and bringing them together with a vote. This methodology will ensure everyone’s thoughts are heard and weighed equally as essential constituents of the team. 
  5. Dividing Responsibilities
    1. We are using a shared google doc to organize our initial thoughts and timeline, and as everyone contributes ideas and solidifies our research focus, we will discuss responsibilities. For now, we will each assume individual roles, including Timekeeper, Facilitator, and Documentarian, to give structure to our team dynamic and make sure pivotal aspects of our communication stay consistent. We will evenly divide the load for data cleaning, mapping, and visualization, assessing our individual strengths and weaknesses and delegating roles according to our specific interests.

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